Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sweep what?

So, for the past month and a half or so I've given my life to Step Sing's independent guys group, Dudes A Plenty. It was a crazy experience. 70 guys, learning to dance and sing with a tendency to act retarded leaves you with a hilarious show and even funnier practices. This year was my first experience of Step Sing and we won it all. Sweepstakes. Being able to say that one day to the freshmen on campus when I'm a senior will be an amazing feeling.

Our directors, Jeremy and Ben, were sick. They were serious jerks sometimes(when they needed to be), and we'd loosen things up with a change in the formation of a word in order to lighten the atmosphere or Ben would joke around with Daddy. But most of the time they were just two senior guys who wanted to have fun, put on the best Step Sing show in history, and rock faces off. We rocked faces off, and we were super massive rock stars. It was an unreal experience, partly because we won sweepstakes and partly because I've never gotten so many strange looks when in my costume. It must've been the eye-liner and black fingernail polish.

Now class is back in swing though, papers, tests, readings, blah, blah, blah. I remember how ready I was for Step Sing to be over but now I miss it. It was awesome, I have to add, to meet 70 guys who were just good people, and to be able to make so many new friends was really awesome.

Aside from Step Sing though, I'm finishing up my walls in my room, the entire right side is almost covered completely with posters, and I'm trying to see if I can get a banner from Step Sing for my ceiling. I just think that'd be pretty sick. But Thursday I have a prospective student coming in, and we're going to go with the other side of our hall to go and play laser tag, and this weekend is my first free weekend since the beginning of Step Sing, so I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow and Samford

So, the last two days have been insane. We've had step sing, a Valentine's dance, lots of snow, and more step sing. I'm extremely exhausted, and want to do nothing more than crawl back into bed. But life goes on even when you're pooped.

Friday, while all the other schools have prior notice that classes are cancelled, we at Samford do not. And by 11:15 there was a pretty solid layer on the ground. So plans were made, schemes devised, and warm clothes put on. Well, except for Gordon and me. We both put on board shorts and baseball socks(i had two pairs of socks on underneath those :D). And then we went snowboarding. Yes, I said we went snowboarding in Birmingham, Alabama. Other people at the same hill had various "items" to slide down the hill on: laundry baskets, a matress, the big plastic tupperware containers, the lids for those containers, cardboard, a trashbag turned to jacket, and their own feet. The containers and the laundry baskes didn't work too well because as soon as you turned the slightest bit around, they flipped over. Which was hilarious for us watching, but not as much fun for them. And let the record show that Gordon was extremely gracious with his snowboard and allowed many people to try it out. Nathan also got a turn, and he faceplanted at the end of his run. He's a "good man."

I took many pictures in the snow, I think I managed to get people to take a few of me in it as well. It was a beautiful day and the snow on the trees was a great sight to behold. The beauty of it gave glory to God. It was a beautiful day from our Creator. I really enjoed walking around campus and photographing the snow and trees and people just having a hay day.

We had a guys night, and went out to Buffalo Wild Wings, and then my father stayed with me in MY DORM. Haha it was a serious reversal of roles. But we got to talk for a little while, look at pics we had both taken and he got to sleep on the futon in my dorm. Haha. It was great to see him for the time I did, since he is very busy in Mount Juliet right now with work.

Saturday was a day full to the brim with Step Sing. We practiced for about 5 hours and had our second tech rehearsal. We really worked hard and stepped up our game, and we're getting so close to being completely prepared. There also was a Valentine's Day Dance on Saturday so we all went as a group and had a great time waltzing, doing swing dances, and attempting to improv. We had a few circle dances too, which were hilarous as we took our turns embarrassing ourselves in the center of the circle. Afterwards, we attempted to take a group of twenty bowling, and upon the realization that it would never work, we decided to go terrorize the Waffle House. We were loud, the food was okay, and the laughs were great; essentially, it was a group of college kids at Waffle House at 12:00 a.m. It's been a great two days, both felt like Saturdays, but now I'm exhausted from what feels like an extremely long weekend, so I'm going to grab a nap. Hasta luego.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ski Hats

I got a hat for Christmas. It is one of those hats with the strings that hang down from the side, and all they essentially do is make any person wearing the hat look like a goofball. I love my goofy hat. When I got back to Samford, it was (and is still) freezing. I wear my hat outside with my coat, and it keeps my head so very warm. But sometimes I just feel weird when I wear it and I'll take it off and stuff it in my pocket, sacrificing the warmth of my head so that people won't stare at my hat. Lately though, I've realized that I'd rather people stare at my hat and think it's weird or goofy and have warmth, than stuff it in my pocket, where it does me no good what-so-ever, and be cold.

I realized that I didn't care anymore, and that is when it hit me.

Is God like my hat?

Do I love God in my quiet times, when I feel close to Him and forget Him in my everyday life? Do I shove God in my pocket at times when I feel weird because of what I believe? Am I ashamed to say what I believe because of what others think?

I want to love God with all I am, and to not be arrogant, but to know and remember that the God that I love and serve is indescribable, powerful, gracious, big enough, and great enough to be proud of, and He is too big for me to try to shove in my pocket.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tim Foote

What my life comes down to, in the end, is what I do with the hashmark that will be between two numbers on my tombstone. Whether I live that hashmark to bring glory to my name, or to the name of the one who gives me life, is the decision that I have to make.

I think about the love and the mercy and the free grace that I have been given and I am silenced and amazed. The love that is shown in the cross blows my mind, the mercy that I was given when I deserved punishment Jesus took in His death on the cross, and the grace I recieved in recieving a reward for what I had not earned; these three things are beyond description for my human mind. How God could love a pitiful and imperfect soul enough that He'd give up His Son for my life is past my comprehension.

I recently have taken up the hobby of photography to a new level. Lately, I have been photographing sunsets, birds on the lagoon, lakes, trees, cliffsides, snow, and other works of God's hand. It amazes me that God, who could create these things by speaking a few simple words could have the time of day for me. Then, at night, I can see the heavens, and stars that God knows by name. To me, the stars are innumerable, but God knows them by name. These beautiful creations that God put in the sky, are not as important to him as I am, as His most precious creation is. God's love for us above all other creations amazes me, and I hope that it will continue to as I live the life that He has given me.

I want the love God gives to define the hashmark between the numbers on my tombstone.

Come, Lord Jesus.
