Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sweep what?

So, for the past month and a half or so I've given my life to Step Sing's independent guys group, Dudes A Plenty. It was a crazy experience. 70 guys, learning to dance and sing with a tendency to act retarded leaves you with a hilarious show and even funnier practices. This year was my first experience of Step Sing and we won it all. Sweepstakes. Being able to say that one day to the freshmen on campus when I'm a senior will be an amazing feeling.

Our directors, Jeremy and Ben, were sick. They were serious jerks sometimes(when they needed to be), and we'd loosen things up with a change in the formation of a word in order to lighten the atmosphere or Ben would joke around with Daddy. But most of the time they were just two senior guys who wanted to have fun, put on the best Step Sing show in history, and rock faces off. We rocked faces off, and we were super massive rock stars. It was an unreal experience, partly because we won sweepstakes and partly because I've never gotten so many strange looks when in my costume. It must've been the eye-liner and black fingernail polish.

Now class is back in swing though, papers, tests, readings, blah, blah, blah. I remember how ready I was for Step Sing to be over but now I miss it. It was awesome, I have to add, to meet 70 guys who were just good people, and to be able to make so many new friends was really awesome.

Aside from Step Sing though, I'm finishing up my walls in my room, the entire right side is almost covered completely with posters, and I'm trying to see if I can get a banner from Step Sing for my ceiling. I just think that'd be pretty sick. But Thursday I have a prospective student coming in, and we're going to go with the other side of our hall to go and play laser tag, and this weekend is my first free weekend since the beginning of Step Sing, so I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest.

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