Sunday, March 21, 2010

First Light

Day 5

First Light. Today started from a different direction all-together. Not because I wasn’t the last one out of bed (because I still was), but because it was sunny and warm. The sunrise doesn’t happen here until about 7:30 every morning, and I usually finish breakfast around then. So today, I read my devotional for the day on top of a jungle gym on the playground here and took pictures of the new day. As I took pictures though, I saw something in the sunrise that I’d never seen before. As the sun rose over the horizon, for the first time I saw the two second change that takes place in the sky when the first rays of light hit the east side of my world. It transformed the hues of dark purple, light blue, and pink into a thin blue and red. It was an amazing thing for me to see, and made me appreciate this new day that I was beginning.

The mission work today began roughly. We walked our entire route of streets in the neighborhood and only three or four houses out of about 20 answered. It was very discouraging. The other routes that our groups had taken had very similar results. We were thinking we would have to pack up early, but then people began to show up in droves. We ended up having about 60 or 70 people today by the time we began the worship aspect of our mission. There were many young children, and I was also able to see Ulises again! Today was his birthday so I dug deep into my pockets and gave him two dollars as a birthday present. I helped out with the shoes once again and I find that I am becoming better at translating. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing though, because those I interpret for think I’m better than I am and then rattle something off and I consequently yell for help a split second later. But I am improving is the good thing. The messages at our missions have been going very well, and so far, 70 people (children and adults) have dedicated their lives to Christ. Glory to God!

As a small side note, before things really kicked off, Olivia, Flor, and myself played a little improv drama game and we also jumped on the trampoline at the house we were at for a few minutes afterwards, which was quite a treat for all of us kids.

After we packed up, we all came back to the camp, ate, and then headed for the border to spend our relaxation time in Progresso, Mexico. We walked the three blocks that we were allowed to and shopped and saw many different things. I’ve never been asked to buy so many of the same things by so many different people. I bought some little things for my family and friends, and got a few little things for me as well. I enjoyed walking around, but it broke me down to see the beggars on the side of the small sidewalk, and for the people to lower their prices simply because I said maybe later. They were desperate to make the sale to each and every person they came in contact with there. Olivia was a sweetheart of a person today, but she was also a bulls-eye of a target for anyone in that market. She could not say no to any of the children. She probably bought about five bracelets from the little kids that were selling them. She had compassion on them. I have to agree that it was very moving to see the little kids working and trying to sell the bracelets so competitively. I was also once again reminded of how blessed we are in America. We are so wealthy, and we are so very spoiled because of it.

Another side note, I gave in and bought a coke today, which was amazing. 500 mL of cold coke in a glass bottle never tasted so good. I haven’t had a Coke in over 2 months so it was very nice, but Olivia sadly didn’t cave and continued on the road of “no carbonation.” Poor thing.

Tonight has been great so far. Burgers for dinner, a good time of worship and fellowship, and now before bed, an episode of Glee and a shower! It’s sad to say I might be more excited for the shower…but life is like that I suppose. I do have to say, I love you, Mom, Dad, and Daniel. And I’m really proud of my little brother for being in the talent show last night at GSHS. I wish I could’ve been there to support him. Praise God for the souls that have been saved this week!

Here is a picture of Ms. Laura. She was the oldest person on the trip at 72, and she had some kicking socks on today.

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