Saturday, July 10, 2010

Real life, or death?

Leaving K-Kountry has been a weird experience. Everyone who has been there has been protected in the Kanakuk bubble for the most part.

But now, we're back in the real world.

Back where traffic and bad drivers can get under our skin, back where finances may be tight, back where we are able to watch whatever movies and listen to whatever music we want to.

Talking to a camp friend today made me think of something. As she was about to leave, we both saw it was raining, and she quickly said, "Oh, great its raining!" And almost as soon as it was off of her tongue, she turned around and proclaimed, "there are bigger things to worry about." Before she left we talked about words like 'righteousness and sanctification.' Righteousness is just the scale of how holy something is, and sanctification is the process of being set apart. At camp, or at church even, we are shielded from temptations, and in reality, this "real world."

But after we leave, all we have to do is make a choice. A choice to continue with the attitude and mindset we had before, or a choice to go back to the way things are in real life.

We are all outside of the bubble we've been in now, but we don't have to let the things of this "real life" affect us the way they have in the past, or the way they have up to the moment that you read this.

None of us have to let those two seconds we spent waiting on the driver to turn on his signal bother us, or worry about money for things we need or don't need, or watch those movies with content that our eyes and ears don't need to be taking in. Going to camp has shown me that this real life that TV portrays, and that people attempt to gain through worldly successes, doesn't really matter.

The longer I'm gone from camp, the more time I spend with people, the more I realize that this "real life," is more like a real death. I can let the things of Earth get to me, or I can wake up and realize that the only thing in this world that matters is loving Christ and serving with all I have in me, and then, when I have nothing more, serving and loving with the strength that only Christ can give me. So today, I will choose to live the real life for Christ, and I will serve him until my days are done.

Little things don't matter unless you let them matter. That is why they are called the "little things."

Matthew 10:39 says, "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

Lose the life that this world defines, and find the abundant life that only Christ can give.

This is not a challenge from me, but Christ's challenge to all who call Him, "Savior" and "Lord."

Give us strength for today, and make us strong and courageous. Tomorrow has enough trouble of its own, so help us through the little things today. May we seek after you and draw near to you, and when we pull away, let those who see us be blinded by the light that you leave on our faces. You are all we need. Amen.

"As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15

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